Doja Cat, who has achieved widespread popularity online in a short time with viral songs and videos, made statements about the accusations about taking part in racism through the video chats and the song she wrote & recorded.
With the statements she shared through Instagram as a post, the singer Doja Cat apologized for the song called ‘Dindu Nuffin.’ The song that is published in 2015 has racist themes related to police brutality.
However, she denied that she had involved in racist conversations through some of the chat rooms.
Doja wrote:
“I’ve used public chat rooms to socialize since I was a child. I shouldn’t have been on some of those chat room sites, but I personally have never been involved in any racist conversations. I’m sorry to everyone I offended.”
And she continued by referring that she can’t be a racist because of her ethnic background:
“I’m a black woman. Half of my family is black from South Africa and I’m very proud of where I come from.”
As for the mentioned song, Doja Cat added:
“It was written in response to people who often used that term to hurt me. I made an attempt to flip its meaning, but recognize that it was a bad decision to use the term in my music.”
She finished her confession with the following words:
“I love you all and I’m sorry for upsetting or hurting any of you.”
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