Hollywood actor Stephanie Beatriz, best known for her portrayal as ‘Detective Rosa Diaz‘ in NBC’s ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine,’ celebrated her husband, Brad Hoss‘ birthday with an adorable message plus a black & white TBT photo captured during one of their first dates.
To mark the day, Beatriz went to her verified Instagram account and released the said photo in which the two are seen hugging. The ‘Short Term‘ star then added a lengthy caption that begins with a sweet memory:
“This pic was taken on maybe our second or third date. This was when you poked fun at how I parallel parked and I defensively insisted that I was a good driver and if you could do better you were welcome to drive next time. (…) because I really wanted there to be a next time.”
Stating that she really wanted to see her now-husband after their first date, Beatriz added that since then they have been sharing lots of really good conversations about their world perceptions and values. The actor continued her message with another adorable anecdote:
“I remember asking you once what you thought do you do best, and you said you like to connect others, to help others forge friendships and relationships. I thought, how absolutely lovely.”
The actor went on praising her husband for his unique personality that leads him to “lift others up, try his best to see what he can do to make the world a better place for everyone.” By describing Hoss as a “loyal friend” and “incredibly empathetic human,” she concluded her words as follows:
“Everybody knows Brad Hoss! I say. And so many people dearly love you too. Especially me. Happy birthday 💕”
Proud of having a husband who loved by many, Beatriz announced her engagement with Hoss in October 2017, a year after she had come out to the public as bisexual. The actor, who describes herself as queer, tied the knots with Hoss on October 6, 2018.
Click here to view the mentioned Instagram post.