Kate Hudson, who is gearing up to appear in the upcoming musical drama film ‘Music‘ as ‘Kazu,’ updated her Instagram feed with adorable family shoots to mark her eldest son, Ryder Russell Robinson‘s 17th birthday.
Hudson first posted a photo of her three children, Ryder, Bingham, and Ron, enjoying themselves together at home and then added a video to show off how they celebrated his birthday. Alongside the photo and the video, in which Hudson is seen singing the “Happy Birthday” song to Ryder with Bingham and Ron, she wrote the following message as a caption:
“Happy Birthday @mr.ryderrobinson 17 today! A family morning celebration for our big man ☀️ My loving, warm-hearted, hilarious, considerate, unruffled, loyal, resilient son…you got this.”
Then the ‘Mother’s Day‘ star added that the 17-year-old is going to have one wonderful adulthood in case he stays this course. Hudson continued her tribute as follows:
“You’re solid gold 💫 Here we are, in the 18th year of your life and I got one more year to help you brush those wings so they’re ready to take off. I’m gonna soak in every moment!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 🎂🎉”
Following that sweet Instagram post, Hudson’s industry friends, including Naomi Watson, Diane Keaton, Amanda Kloots, and Reese Witherspoon jumped into the comment section to send their congratulatory messages to Ryder, whom Hudson shares with ex-husband Chris Robinson.
As known, Hudson welcomed Ryder Russell Robinson in January 2004, after she and the frontman for The Black Crowes had tied the knots in 2000. Following their divorce in 2006, Hudson being granted joint custody for their son.
Here is the post.