Two beautiful ladies became sociable the other day so as to cheer well-known model Paulina Porizkova up!
On June 14, the 56-year-old star Porizkova took to her verified Instagram account and released a photo of herself, captured for the recent issue of Unconditional Magazine. Alongside the photo, in which the model is seen in a white dress-designed Dion Lee, added a lengthy caption in order to reveal that she is not okay with seeing herself as an “old lady” in the photos.
Underneath the photo liked by thousands of Instagram users, Porizkova wrote the following message as a caption:
“I’m gonna be vulnerable here, and admit that although the photos are beautiful, the me, completely unretouched and through the very sharp lens of a high-resolution camera, looks older than the me I imagine seeing in the mirror. I’m trying my best to sink into this feeling, this acceptance of what I really look like.”
The model concluded her words by stating that most days accepting her appearance on the photos is not easy at all; whereupon, a great number of users of the photo-sharing platform jumped into the comments section to say that she is really looking perfect both in photos and the real world. As two of them were well-known names, Helena Christensen and Eva Mendes.
Hollywood star Eva Mendes first thanked Porizkova for being honest “a business where people lie about how they feel about aging” and then added:
“I feel you Mama. Some days I see a picture of myself and I swear it’s not me! Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it sucks but it’s always better than the alternative.”
As for Porizkova’s model fellow Christensen left the following comment:
“First of all, the digital images of you will never be you. They’re high resolution/definition and magnify everything. People forget that phone selfies and digital camera images exaggerate every minuscule details.”
Christensen concluded her message by saying that she is “so insanely gorgeous.”