The award-winning singer and songwriter Halsey, who is the suicide prevention awareness and sexual assault victim advocacy activist as well as, opened up about her experience as a protestor in George Floyd protests, with a photo slide and a touching message on Instagram, on June 1.
With her real name Ashley Nicolette Frangipane, in order to show what really happened in the Los Angeles protests, shared a few photos and videos taken by protestors and added the following caption:
“It’s become very clear to me that some of you need to see what I’ve seen. Please swipe through this. These pictures and videos don’t even scratch the surface. It’s easy from the comfort of your home to watch looting and rioting on television and condone the violent measures being taken by forces.”
Halsey pointed out that the innocent and peaceful protestors who call for justice were tear-gassed and shot by rubber bullets by the police:
“But what you don’t see is innocent peaceful protestors being shot at and tear gassed and physically assaulted relentlessly. You think it’s not happening, it’s only the “thugs” and the “riots”, right? The police are keeping you safe right? You’re wrong. This is happening everywhere. And innocent people exercising their rights to speech and assembly are facing violence and abuse of power.”
By sharing a photo of the medical aid pack, she stated that protestors need to treat themselves because medical professionals are trying to deal with Covid-19:
“With all of our medical professionals being CONSUMED and EXHAUSTED with Covid, there is little to no medical attention available. I have first hand treated men women and children who have been shot in the chest, the face, the back. Some will lose vision some have lost fingers. I have been covered in innocent blood.”
She concluded her words by criticizing the measurements that are taken by Trump and his team, and encouraged the citizens to raise their voice about this case:
“But I HAVE to show you what I am witnessing with my own eyes. With Trump’s decision today to enforce the mobilization of armed forces on our own citizens, this has escalated beyond your privilege and comfort to not care. Please care. We are begging you to care. This is war on Americans. This is everyone’s problem. Everyone’s. #BLACKLIVESMATTER”
Below you can find the mentioned post.
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