Well-known stunt performer and actor Steve-O jumped to social media platforms to celebrate his 13th sobriety birthday. The actor, best known for starring in the reality comedy television series ‘Jackass‘ released a recreated photo of himself and showed off that so many things changed in his life in 13 years.
The actor, born Stephen Gilchrist Glover, recreated the photo which was captured 13 years before and which seeing him screaming while lying on a table surrounded by illegal substances. In the new version, substances were replaced by vegetables and healthy-looking drinks.
Alongside the above-described photo, the 46-year-old actor wrote the following message and gave a shout-out to his ‘Jackass’ co-star Johnny Knoxville:
“So grateful to be celebrating thirteen years of sobriety today… thanks to everyone who helped me make it this far and, as always, thanks to @johnnyknoxville for giving me the loving nudge that started my journey!”
Then ‘Wildboyz’ star stated that the photo captured by his well-known photographer fiance Lux Wright. In return, Knoxville left the following comment to congratulate him:
“Love this. Love u too Steve O. Proud of you. Congrats!❤️”
What’s more, one of the most known chefs all around the world, Gordon Ramsay also jumped into the comments section and showed his support for the actor by saying: “Well done bud!”
See below to view the photo and click here to access the original Instagram post.