While the controversies regarding the medical condition of well-known rapper DMX spreading, Tiny Harris made it worse with her latest Instagram post.
As known, on April 2, it was officially stated that the rapper, born Earl Simmons was rushed to the hospital due to a heart attack which may have resulted from an overdose, and he was taken on life support. In the next few days, certain media outlets reported respectively that his medical condition was worsening while the others declared that he was off life support and breathing on his own.
While confusion regarding the health of DMX spreading over, T.I.’s wife took to her verified Instagram account on April 8, and announced the rapper is dead. Harris first released a photo of the rapper at her house with his hubby and some of the other guys, then wrote:
“Damn!! This is the saddest news @dmx touched the hearts of the world with his music. I’m am so happy we got to see him & spend hours with him about a month ago at our house.”
Harris, who is now facing sexual abuse claims, continued her message as follows:
“My good friend @tarathomasagency told me he wanted to come by & see Tip & we made it happen. True HipHop Royalty… His legacy will live for a lifetime. Thank you King for Blessing us with your gift!”
As soon as the well-known singer & songwriter released the abovementioned posts, a great number of users of the platform flooded the comment section and accused her of providing wrong information. Some of the followers asked her to delete the post because it is not true, while the others defended that she knows more than they do. So much so that, an Instagram user wrote:
“They will probably pronounce him dead tomorrow. But the media should definitely let his family have some peace right now.”
However, on the same day, DMX’s manager Steve Rifkind confirmed that he is still on life support.