Actress Lily Collins, who has had leading roles in certain movies, made a touching statement through her Instagram page on June 4, and explained why the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Movement is so much important and necessary.
‘Les Misérables’ star Lily Collins, accepted that being white is a privilege that is wrongly given, and she expressed that with this anti-racist movement, she started to understand the difficulties that black people have to face with every day in the United States of America.
Collins uploaded a photo slide from the protests and captioned these photos as follows:
“This movement is powerful. And necessary. It’s overdue. ⠀
I am white, I am privileged. I will never experience what black people in America go through every single day, but I am listening and I am learning. I march with you and will fight with you. This is just the beginning, but it’s a small step towards changing the system.” ⠀
After she pointed out that the system needs to be changed, she continued:
“The layers of this fight are endless — but one layer we must talk about is passive racism. NOT saying something makes you part of the problem. Silence is violence. I have been part of the problem. I’m ashamed and embarrassed to admit this but recognizing it is important. And I understand that I need to try my best to rectify that now by moving through the shame and speaking up and out even if it makes people I know feel uncomfortable.”⠀
Then she listed what she learned in this process and encouraged the people to take action:
” Take action. Donate to causes that are working toward ending violence and working to undo the laws that hold up an very flawed system. Support black businesses. Support black creatives. I will add organizations I’m supporting in my stories if this is helpful as a jumping off point. ⠀
We have failed in so many ways throughout the history of this country, and enough is enough. Don’t let your own shame silence you. ⠀
With love, I urge you, as young people especially, to actively join in and help create change…”
This touching message positively drew attention, and her followers expressed that they support her in this case.
Here is the mentioned post.
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