Last week, the little brother of Chris and Luke Hemsworth and also well-known actor, Liam Hemsworth celebrated his own milestone of turning 31 years old and now he celebrated Australia Day with an influential post on his Instagram account.
On the Australia Day, Australian actor shared a photo of the Indigenous flag, on which ‘Always was, always will be,’ was written and in the influential tribute about his hometown, he began his words explaining the strong bonds among Australia’s Indigenous people with the following words:
“We are spiritually and culturally connected to this country. This country was criss-crossed by generations of brilliant Nations. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were Australia’s first explorers, first navigators, first engineers, first farmers, first botanists, first scientists, first diplomats, first astronomers and first artists.”
In his rather long message, which was an excerpt featured on Naidoc.org.au., the actor listed out the important facts about Indigenous people who “have the world’s oldest oral stories,” and went on to praise his people with these words:
“Australia The First Peoples engraved the world’s first maps, made the earliest paintings of ceremony and invented unique technologies. We built and engineered structures – structures on Earth – predating well-known sites such as the Egyptian Pyramids and Stonehenge.”
The caption also explained that their “adaptation and intimate knowledge of Country” enabled them to “endure climate change, catastrophic droughts and rising sea levels.”
Following the post, followers of the actor jumped into the comments section thanking him for using his platform to spread awareness about their history.
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