Kwaylon Rogers, best known by his name on the social media “BlameItOnKWay” took to his verified Instagram account the other day, but not to make people laugh this time.
Rogers, who came prominence with his comedic short videos on social media, told the world that his big sister Kendra Lopez, the Instagram influencer, lost her beloved son a while ago.
To share his sorrow with his fans and followers, the media personality released a black and white photo of Lopez and her husband Sergio holding their baby. Alongside the photo, Rogers wrote:
“I’m not sure why God allowed this to happen. But I’m also trusting that he has bigger plans for my Big Sister and Sergio… R.I.P baby Sion. My sister took a big hiatus away from social media to focus on her family and life. She came back from the joy and excitement that the pregnancy gave her…”
Rogers, who can’t still believe what happened to the little boy, continued his tribute by asking his fans and followers top ray for his sister and her family:
“I can’t even begin to tell you all how everyone was so excited to welcome baby Sion to this world and this happens just weeks before he was suppose to be born. Both my sister and her husband Sergio are broken but I’m also proud of their strength. Please Pray and keep them uplifted. Love you.”
Meanwhile, Lopez took to her verified Instagram account to express disbelief in the death of her son. She stated that for 8 months she waited for him and added:
“I’m so sorry mommy couldn’t protect you…”
The cause of the passing has yet been announced by the family.