Hollywood actor Hilarie Burton, who recently grabbed attention for her joining in well-known TV series ‘The Walking Dead‘ alongside her husband Jeffrey Dean Morgan, updated her Instagram feed with an adorable birthday tribute devoted to her ‘One Tree Hill‘ co-star Antwon Tanner.
As she does every year, on April 14, Burton went to her official page and released a photo of herself with Tanner plus a heartfelt birthday message. This year, the mother-of-two posted a photo that shows her kissing Tanner on his cheek and wrote the following message in the caption section:
“Antwon is always the first to check in, the first to celebrate your wins, the first to lend a shoulder to cry on. He is thoughtful and generous and the most fun. And I count my lucky stars that we met as lil actor babies and have gotten to grow up together.”
After wishing her “forever friend” a happy birthday, the actor concluded her sweet tribute with the following words:
“You make the world an infinitely better place, Antwon. I miss you buddy. Love to you and Tiff.”
As for Tanner took to the comments section without delay in order to show his gratitude to Burton. The actor, turning 46 this year, commented as follows:
“Thank you my dear sweet talented sister. I love you to the moon and back.”
Here is the mentioned Instagram photo.